Hi guys and welcome to My Fabulous Kitchen! Cooking is one of the very few things in life that consistently brings me joy, and I’m incredibly thrilled to share my recipes with you!
Growing up second-generation American in a South Asian household, I grew up eating vibrant and bold Indian food – curries, daal, biryani, roti, kormas. And outside the home, I always adored trying interesting new dishes from various cuisines ranging from Pad Thai to Buttermilk Biscuits.
My passion for cooking started off in my teen years in which I spent an exorbitant amount of time watching youtube cooking videos, Food Network shows, and trying out any and every recipe that striked my fancy.
Like most 20-something millennials, I live and breathe foodie culture. The hip low-light photography, the pinterest posts, the mini tastemade videos, the in-depth restaurant reviews…give me all of it! It is indeed a world of possibility, innovation, and sensationalism, but you can always find appreciation for truly amazing food and its humble roots.
My philosophy is that food should be vivid, robust, and most importantly celebrated and shared. Cooking is indeed a labor of love as well as a source of pride and self-esteem. It’s knowing that you made something so appealing, so special, something that made someone temporarily forget their life sorrows. A dish that satisfies more than just the taste-buds. A dish that touches the heart. That’s magic.
Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope that you try out and share my recipes with your friends and family!